21 Day Challenge
Making Room…
It can be easy for our lives to become cluttered as we navigate the ups and downs of a normal year. Not only do our houses get filled up with various forms of junk as the year goes on, but our minds and hearts can do the same if we are not careful. The more clutter there is in our lives the more difficult it is for us to maintain the right priorities.
As we start a new year, we want to collectively clean out the clutter in our hearts and minds. For the next 21 days we want to clear space and make room in our hearts for the Holy Spirit. When we make room for God in our lives, we allow Him to change us, lead us, and make us more like Him. We want this to be our only priority in 2024!
When a reset is needed, it’s important to recognize where the distractions and clutter are coming from and the best way to reorient our hearts. For many of us this will mean limiting various everyday activities in favor of spending more time with the Lord. There are four areas that we want to encourage you to focus on during these 21 days: Pray, Read, Fast, Give.
Making Room…
It can be easy for our lives to become cluttered as we navigate the ups and downs of a normal year. Not only do our houses get filled up with various forms of junk as the year goes on, but our minds and hearts can do the same if we are not careful. The more clutter there is in our lives the more difficult it is for us to maintain the right priorities.
As we start a new year, we want to collectively clean out the clutter in our hearts and minds. For the next 21 days we want to clear space and make room in our hearts for the Holy Spirit. When we make room for God in our lives, we allow Him to change us, lead us, and make us more like Him. We want this to be our only priority in 2024!
When a reset is needed, it’s important to recognize where the distractions and clutter are coming from and the best way to reorient our hearts. For many of us this will mean limiting various everyday activities in favor of spending more time with the Lord. There are four areas that we want to encourage you to focus on during these 21 days: Pray, Read, Fast, Give.
We are inviting our Passion family to intentionally Pray, Read, Fast and Give from January 8th – January 28th.
Prayer is the primary way that we connect with the Lord. If we want God to be our priority, it is critical that we learn to develop our personal conversation with Him.
Here are a few suggested ways to start a new prayer habit or refresh an existing one:
- Journal twice a week by writing down prayer requests and anything God is speaking to you.
- Pray out loud once a day
- Pray together as a family every morning and night
- Take a 10 minute prayer walk/break (Turn off your phone)
Reading the Bible is one of the primary ways that God reveals himself to us is through the Bible. So what could be more important to our personal relationship with Him than reading His words?
Below are some suggested ways to engage in Scripture during this challenge:
- Read scripture before your look at your phone everyday
- Reading suggestion:
- Join our church wide reading plan through the Gospel of John (1 chapter a day for 21 days): Passion Community on YouVersion
- Spend time reading and meditating on the Psalms. We’ve put together a collection of Psalms to get you started: Psalms for Prayer and Meditation
- Find more Bible resources at passioncommunitychurch.org/bible
Fasting is the simple act of taking something important in your life and replacing it with time with the Lord. Fasting food is one of the most common practices, but there are many different ways this can be done meaningfully.
Below are some suggested ways to fast over the these 21 days:
- Fast once a week
- Put away phone for 1 hour a day
- Curate your media consumption
- Turn off/limit phone games, social media, TV, Video Games, Radio/music/Podcasts in your car
- Find more fasting resources at passioncommunitychurch.org/fasting
Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous to us. When we live generously with our time, resources, and money, we look like Jesus. Choosing generosity also frees us from being captive to our resources (time/money/etc).
Below are some suggested ways to be generous over the these 21 days and beyond:
- Be faithful in your giving to the Lord – offer God the first fruit of your labor by tithing
- Live generously – by looking for opportunities to give instead of hoarding.
- Find out more about why we give at passioncommunitychurch.org/give

Join Passion on the YouVersion Bible App
Already installed on over 630 million unique devices all over the world, the YouVersion Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online at Bible.com. You can highlight and save Bible verses, start Bible reading plans with friends, keep track of and share prayer requests and more! Whether you prefer a paper Bible or not, the YouVersion Bible app is an incredible resource to take with you wherever you go!
Plus, you can now follow Passion Community on YouVersion to find out about church wide reading plans and get connected with more of your Passion family. We hope these amazing resources help you develop or strengthen your own Bible habit!