March 29th | 6:30 PM

Good Friday at Passion will be held in-person this year at Passion Community and childcare will be provided.

Do you have kids? Click here to check out what we have planned for them this Easter and for some helpful tips for explaining the Easter story to them!

‘…by His wounds we are healed.’

Isaiah 53:5

What Is Good Friday?

Good Friday is the day that Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of every person that is, will be, or has been on the earth. We celebrate Good Friday by remembering the pain and suffering that Jesus endured on our behalf and, more importantly, the reason for that pain. Isaiah 53:5 says that Jesus was “pierced for our transgression.” We remember the pain that Jesus went through on Good Friday because it was punishment that was meant for us. Our sin deserved the suffering and death that Jesus endured, but “God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us” (Ephesians 2:4) sent Jesus to take our punishment instead.

Good Friday wasn’t the end of this story…

We were created in the image of God with purpose of being near to Him, always. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, the intimacy of our relationship with God was lost. But with His death on the Cross, Jesus made it possible for each one of us to once again have the relationship with our Creator that we were created for.

Good Friday wasn’t the end of this story though, Jesus would resurrect Himself from the dead 3 days later, proving that He had completely conquered sin and death and giving us the assurance of life with Him forever!

What should I expect?

Good Friday at Passion will be full of hope and passion! In previous years we have hosted Good Friday at Passion online to encourage you to gather together in small groups as you celebrate and remember what Jesus endured for your sake. This year, we are so excited to transition back to an in-person service once again! Here are a couple of things to expect when you come:


Good Friday at Passion will be full of worship and singing! Worship transforms our hearts as we choose to praise Jesus no matter what our current situation is. It opens us up to hear from the Holy Spirit and helps us cement truth deep into our hearts.


We love praying with each other! There will be times of prayer together as well as individual prayer offered throughout the service. Isaiah 53:5 says that we are healed because of the wounds Jesus received on Good Friday and we believe that He offers both healing from a life of sin and physical healing from sickness and disease. We want to pray with you!


Testimonies are stories of what God has done and we believe that Good Friday should be full of them!


We will be taking communion together as we remember the cost and the sacrifice Jesus paid on our behalf.


Childcare will be offered for kids, ages 0-5, during Good Friday at Passion.

Invite Someone!

Easter is for everyone! Make sure you take a minute to invite someone to Easter at Passion. It only takes 30 seconds and we believe it will be life-changing for them. Click the button below to share it directly to your Facebook page or save the images below to post about it yourself!

All services have been cancelled for January 12th due to the winter storm on January 10-11.