We’re so glad you’re here!
Whether you a young adult or a senior, married with kids or single, you are important to the heart of God and there is a place for you at Passion. Take your time getting to know us and visit as many times as you want… there is no pressure! We can’t wait to meet you and share the love of Jesus with you. As you plan your visit, here are some things to know.
What is the worship like?
We generally begin and end each service with contemporary music led by the Passion Worship band. Whether you raise your hands and sing a long or stand quietly in reflection, feel free to worship as you would like. Our goal is to honor God and encounter His presence.
What kind of message will I hear?
You will hear a Bible-based message from one of our pastors to encourage you in your faith journey with the Lord.
What should I wear?
At Passion, we want you to wear what makes you feel comfortable. In our services, you will see everything from suits and ties to t-shirts and shorts.
Is there something for my kids?
Yes! Passion Kids is a place where your kids can have fun, grow, and discover just how much God loves them. Learn More
how long is the service?
Our services are generally 70-75 minutes long. We offer prayer throughout our services and specifically at the end of each one. You can also email any prayer requests to prayer@passioncommunity.org.
What kind of experience will my kids have?
While you experience inspiring worship and teaching in the auditorium, your children (birth through sixth grade) can learn a Bible lesson tailored to their grade level and participate in fun activities with other children their age in a secured area. When you arrive, you can sign them in at the check-in desk in the Kids ministry wing of the building.
Get to know us.
Check out the buttons below to discover more of who we are or schedule a meeting with one of our pastors!