
What is witnessing?

Witnessing is the act of sharing your faith in Jesus Christ with others through your words, actions, and attitude. It’s about sharing what you’ve personally experienced with Jesus, and how he has changed your life.

It’s simply sharing your faith by telling others about the love, forgiveness, and deliverance that you’ve found in Jesus.

But on a deeper level, we serve as ambassadors for Christ in the world, making him present to everyone you meet.  We fulfill this by our words, attitude, and actions.  

Who should practice witnessing?

Everyone!  Every believer should be intentional about the way they proclaim Jesus to the world.  Although some people have a special gift of evangelism, it is everyone’s responsibility to share Jesus with the world around them.

Why do we need to witness?

We should witness because is a direct command from Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with others, essentially acting as “witnesses” to their faith by sharing their personal experience with God and the transformative power of Jesus, demonstrating love for others by offering them the opportunity to know and accept Christ, and ultimately bringing glory to God by spreading His message to the world.

  • Biblical mandate: The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 explicitly instructs believers to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
  • Love for others: Sharing the Gospel is seen as an act of love, offering others the chance to experience the same joy and redemption found in Christ.
  • Spiritual responsibility: As believers, Christians are considered stewards of the Gospel and have a responsibility to share it with those who don’t know it
  • Personal growth: The act of witnessing can deepen one’s own faith by requiring study, reflection, and reliance on God to effectively communicate the message.

      How do I practice witnessing?

      Witnessing occurs most naturally when we focus on building genuine relationships with people, then naturally incorporate our faith into conversations. By sharing your personal testimony and using the Bible as a guide to answer questions, and always demonstrating love, respect, and a willingness to simply be present and support others, without forcing your beliefs. 

      • Be authentic and genuine: Let your actions and lifestyle reflect your faith, showing people the positive impact Christianity has on your life.
      • Develop listening skills: Actively listen to others’ concerns and experiences, showing empathy and understanding before sharing your beliefs.
      • Share your personal story: Talk openly about how Jesus has impacted your life and the transformation you’ve experienced through faith.
      • Study the Bible: Be familiar with key biblical passages and stories to effectively answer questions and share the Gospel message.
      • Create opportunities for conversation: Look for natural openings to discuss your faith, like sharing your prayer life, mentioning church activities, or offering to pray for someone.
      • Pray for boldness: Ask God to give you the courage and words to share your faith when opportunities arise.

      Have more questions and want to speak with a pastor? Click the button below to let us know!

      All services have been cancelled for January 12th due to the winter storm on January 10-11.
