Join the Young Adults Community on Saturday, September 21st at 12:00pm for lunch at County Smoak, immediately followed by mini golf at Tiny Town Golf.
Whether you are a college aged student or a young professional looking for connection and community in the local church as you navigate this stage of life, Young Adults is for you!
This will be an afternoon filled with delicious barbeque, fun and games, and the opportunity to connect with other Young Adults. Most importantly, we hope this event will help you build lasting friendships that help make Passion feel like family.
RSVP below and meet us for lunch at County Smoak, immediately followed by mini golf at Tiny Town Golf. Addresses below:
County Smoak
7423 Timberlake Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Tiny Town Golf (directly to the left of County Smoak)
7427 Timberlake Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Please email communities@passioncommunity.org if you have questions or have not already been added to the Young Adults GroupMe.
For more information about the Young Adults Community, please visit our website here: https://passioncommunitychurch.org/youngadults