
What is spiritual community?

A spiritual community is a group of people who come together to grow in their relationship with God, support each other, and practice their faith. The church is considered a spiritual community because it’s made up of people who are united by the Spirit of God.

Most people wouldn’t consider Community as a Spiritual Rhythm, however it’s vital for believers to practice and live in community.

By including Community in our list of Spiritual Rhythms, our prayer is that not only would it highlight the importance of community, but encourage our church to fully engage in community.

Who should practice community?

Everyone! Every believer should be intentional about practicing community. When you read scripture, it becomes very clear that our faith is not meant to be practiced alone. Whether we are introverts or extroverts, we must prioritize practicing life in community. 

    Why do we need community?

    God created us to live in Community!  God created the first man, Adam and gave him work to do. He established the Garden for man to live. But soon God knew man needed more. 

    The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.I will make a helper suitable for him.”
    – Genesis 2:18

    God created us for and in community and gave us many instructions on how to live together.    

    Scripture challenges us to:  

    • Be united in mind and thought – 1 Corinthians 1:10
    • Carry each other’s burdens – Galatians 6:2
    • Sharpen one another – Proverbs 27:17
    • Live in harmony with one another – Romans 12:16
    • Be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith – Romans 1:12
    • Spur one another on toward love and good deeds – Hebrews 10:24

    How do I practice community?

    Community is found in both large and small places:

    As a part of the global church:

    We are all part of the global church – the worldwide community of people who have been saved and forgiven through Jesus Christ. It is made up of people from all over the world, and transcends racial, cultural, and ethnic lines. As a part of the global church, we do our part in sharing Christ’s love with the world and advancing His Kingdom through the Gospel. 

    Be all in at a Local Church:

    As a part of a local church, we are part of a local community of believers who live out the way of Jesus together in our local and regional context.

    The New Testament consistently portrays the church as a local assembly where believers gather regularly to worship, learn scripture, and support one another. Being part of a local church allows for deeper relationships, accountability, and opportunities to use your spiritual gifts to serve others.  We believe that a local church isn’t merely a building we go to, but a family we belong to.

    Join a Passion Group:

    Joining a Passion Group at church allows for deeper connection with other members of your faith community, providing a space to study the Bible, share personal experiences, receive support and encouragement, and grow in your faith through meaningful relationships with a smaller group of people.

    Passion Groups allow a more personal environment to learn and grow in your faith.  We believe that every small group should have elements of scripture, prayer, and fellowship.

    Real community begins when we have the mindset of Christ – thinking, acting, loving like Jesus.

    Have more questions and want to speak with a pastor? Click the button below to let us know!

    All services have been cancelled for January 12th due to the winter storm on January 10-11.
